cash game players make their first mistake before they have even sat down at a
table. Table selection is an integral part of ring games and a factor many
players overlook. Why would you want to sit at a table full of sharks when you
can find a table filled with fish? Simply answer is you wouldn’t and hopefully
this article will show you how to find the right table.
The biggest online poker rooms have hundreds of cash tables running all the time so how can you find the right one for you?
Firstly you need to find your limit and type of game you want to play. Many players do this then open the first table that appears in front of them, without taking into account the statistics of the table. The best information you can find out about your opponents all comes from the lobby statistics. You can find stats such as amount of players viewing the flop, average pot size and amount of hands per hour.
The tables with the highest percentage of players viewing the flop and the highest average pot size are almost always the tables filled with the worst players. It is fairly obvious why, as it shows the players are loose and will often be donating to your pots. Also the amount of hands played per hour can play a big factor. If you become tilted by people taking their time on decisions, a table with a low amount of hands per hour is probably not for you.
The small things in poker can often add up to a winning session instead of a
losing session.
There is a lot of other things to take into account. If you are multi-tabling it
is not the best decision to play a Turbo table. If you like to play loose and
aggressive, 6 max-tables are ideal for you, whereas if you are tight aggressive,
full ring is a better choice.
So, now you know how to choose your tables correctly, you shall find the ability of the opponents you are playing drop significantly and your bankroll rise at the same rate.